A typical day for Mother Teresa and her order began at 4:40am to the call of Bendicamus Domino and the response of Deo Gratias. In the early days of the orders existence Mother Teresa often begged, to provide for the needs of the order. The sisters often went without, giving what they had to the poor. 30
Mother Teresa felt and understood the necessity of spending silent time with God. She wrote:
"We need silence to he alone with God, to speak to him, to listen to him,
to ponder his words deep in our hearts.
We need to he alone with God in silence to the renewed and transformed. Silence gives us a new outlook on life. In it we are filled with the energy-y of God himself that makes us do all things with joy.
Silence of’ the eyes by seeking always the beauty and goodness of God everywhere and closing them to the faults of others and to all that is sinful and disturbing to the soul. Silence of the eon’, by listening always to the voice of God and the cry of the poor and the needy, and closing them to all the other voices that come from the evil one or from fallen human nature, e.g. gossip, tale—bearing, uncharitable words.
Silence of the tongue, by praising God and speaking the lf-giving Word of God that is Truth that enlightens and inspires, brings peace, hope and joy, and refraining from self—defense and every word that causes darkness, turmoil, pain and death.
Silence of the mind by opening it to the Truth and know/edge of God in prayer and contemplation, like Mary who pondered the marvels of the Lord in her heart, and closing it to all untruths, distractions, destructive thoughts like rash judgment, false suspicion of others, revengeful thoughts and desires.
Silence of the heart, by loving God with our whole heart, soul, uniul and strength and one another as God loves, desiring God alone and avoiding a/I selfishness, hatred, envy, jealousy and greed." 31
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